Keeping track
The Administrator and Treasurer maintain accurate records of your family’s fees and commitments.

Monthly squad Instalments

All squad payments are calculated on the number of hours offered for training. Squad fees are calculated on an annual basis but for convenience may be paid in 12 equal monthly instalments. Payments are due on the first of each month in advance of training undertaken and should be paid by direct debit.

Please note that fees are payable for all 12 months of the year although the club will be closed for around six weeks each year. This is because the cost of running the club are divided into twelve equal instalments to make the payment by Direct Debit easier.

The club will consider your child to have left the club if you cancel your direct debit without the required month notice or if no fees are forthcoming over a consecutive two-month period.

The club reserve the right to levy an administrative charge of £30,00 where fees are continually paid late and/or where a club official has to chase for fees when payment has not been made.

Discretion of the Treasurer and Chair
The Chair and Treasurer are authorised by the Club’s Committee to review individual cases and total Club situations, and make necessary adjustments and changes to the above fees and commitments. These are reported back to the Committee for ratification. If you are unable to meet your financial obligations due to extenuating circumstances contact the Treasurer by email on

If your swimmer squad level changes
Once your swimmer is training at a new squad level, your swimmer will be considered to have made that change and direct debit payment will be adjusted accordingly.

If your swimmer joins part way through the swim year
If you join after the swim year has started. Club Membership Fee is payable for the full swim year irrespective of when you join.

Squad Fees Waiver

Under the following criteria, fees could be waived.

Broken limbs, surgery, serious illness etc – Please inform the Club Administrator following hospital confirmation of fracture or admission. Failure to do so will mean that squad fees are payable and no refund or credit will be issued for fees already paid. No refund or credit will be issued retrospectively. A maximum of 6 weeks credit may be offered. A medical certificate must be produced from your GP/hospital.

No refund or credit will be given for everyday illnesses like cold, flu & tummy upset etc.

No refund or credit will be given for any reasons including illnesses during the month of August.

No refund or credit will be given for non attendance during any religious break or festivals.


Fees are still payable if swimmers cannot swim because they are going on holiday, religious break or because of any other commitments. We still have to pay for the pool and teachers’ fees. If a swimmer who decides to take a break for a couple of months and then come back they
need to get agreement from their coach/teacher (who then informs either the Treasurer or one of the pool coordinators), the swimmer will have to pay for the whole period even if they have swum or not.

Bank holidays – Bank holidays have already been taken into consideration when working out swimming fees.

See Refunds section for further information.

Annual Membership Fee:

    • Amount: £80.00 per swimmer
    • Applies to all members of swimming squads from Foundation through to Masters.

              Payment Details:

      • Fees must be paid in full either in January or at the time of registration.
      • Non-refundable.
      • No pro-rata membership fees; full amount due regardless of joining date within the year.
      • Direct debit: If squad fees are paid via direct debit, membership fees will be automatically deducted at the end of January.


        • Club membership fees renew annually in January.
        • Failure to pay by 31st January results in rescinded club and Swim England membership.


          • If membership lapses and you wish to re-join, a £30.00 administrative fee applies in addition to the annual membership fee.

                Parents/Poolside Helpers/Teachers etc £7.50

This fee is applicable for parents, teachers, coaches, squad reps, members of the Executive etc and those who assist on       poolside in an administrative capacity. Select this category to vote at the AGM and have a say in the running of the club.

 Your membership fee includes:
Membership of the Borough of Harrow Swimming Club.
Registration with British Swimming.
Registration with London Region.
Registration with Middlesex County.


.If you have three or more swimmers under the age of 16 in competitive squads
For families with more than two children under the age of 16 in competitive squads, the club offers a 10% discount on your total monthly squad fees.

If you have a swimmer in Higher or Further Education who has been a member of the club for more than one year
Swimmers over the age of 18 who are in full-time tertiary education AND who train on a regular basis (weekly or monthly) will pay a flat fee of £39 per month.

Swimmers over the age of 18 who are in full-time higher or further education BUT can only swim outside of term-time (living away from home at college or university) will pay a quarterly fee of £50.

Normal squad fees will be reinstated when a swimmer finishes in full-time higher or further education.

Full club membership fees are still payable by those who are in tertiary education.

Thinking of leaving the Club?
We require at least a month’s notice in writing of your intention to leave the Club. All correspondence should be addressed to the Club Administrator by email at

By notifying the Club Administrator, it does not prevent you from writing or emailing the squad coach to explain further or to thank them. The club reserves the right to charge one month’s squad fees in lieu of notice.

It is your responsibility to contact your own bank or financial institution to cease the monthly payments once notice of resignation has been given to the Club Administrator.

Refunds for Learn-to-Swim Program

Missed Lessons due to Prolonged Illness: Participants in the learn-to-swim program who have prepaid for the term may be eligible for credit towards the subsequent term’s fees if they miss lessons due to extended illness. This credit will correspond to the number of sessions missed (up to a maximum of 6 weeks credit), starting from the date the child’s absence for medical reasons, such as broken limbs, surgery, or serious illness, is reported. A medical certificate from a GP or hospital is required to claim this credit.

No refund or credit will be provided for common illnesses like colds, flu, or stomach upset.

Thinking of leaving after the start of the term?

No refund or credit will be issued after the second week of the term has concluded.


There will be no refunds, credit or alternative sessions offered due to adverse weather conditions which may affect either learn to swim or squad training or where the pools are closed due to contamination, pool temperature, power cut or any other circumstances beyond our control, which may affect the health and safety of our members.

Refunds for galas will not be given if your child leaves the club or is unwell or has alternative plans on the day etc.

No gala refunds will be paid unless your child has been ‘rejected’ from a swimming meet.
Refunds will then be issued once the club has received a refund cheque from the host club.
Please be patient as it has been known to take up to three months to receive these!

Once you have submitted a gala form with appropriate gala fees, it is deemed that you have ‘entered’ the meet.



We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.