The Borough of Harrow swimming club participates in many team galas including both friendly and league galas. The league galas are an important part of the club and currently we participate in two main leagues:

•Junior League
• National Arena League

As a successful club, we compete in Division 1 of the above leagues. For a smaller town club this is a tremendous achievement and as such, to be selected as part of the team for one of these galas is something to be very proud of.

Team selection is generally based upon rankings, however, coaches discretion is applied to ensure we field the strongest team for each event. We try to ensure every swimmer selected has at least two swims, but in some cases Swimmers may only be picked for a single event where it makes a significant advantage.

Any swimmer that is selected to represent The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club in a team gala will be expected to stay and support their team mates until the last race. This is taken into account when making team selections.

It is expected that every swimmer selected to swim for BHSC will give priority to the Club over “social” events. It is further expected that League galas, such as The National Arena League and The MKJL Junior League, take priority over other events for all team members, including individual open meet entries.

Selected team members will be expected to attend all training sessions as requested by their coach and take part in all programmed activities. A swimmer unable or unwilling to fulfill this commitment may be withdrawn from the team.

All selected team members must read and comply with the BHSC Code of Conduct for Swimmers. A breach of the BHSC Code of Conduct may result in de-selection from the team.

Swimmers will be expected to swim in assigned relays if asked to represent the Club at County/Regional/National Championships. The Club will not accept individual entries for the same competition from swimmers who refuse to swim their assigned relays

What do I do if I’m selected and I’m not available?

Inform your coach as soon as possible with the reason why.

Being unavailable for one of the league galas has a significant impact, not only to the club but also to every other member of the team.

Swimmers should do their utmost to be available for these leagues. As the league galas have such a high importance for the club.

Failure to be available or fail to attend will be taken into consideration when making future team selections and squad movements.

There can always be exceptional circumstances why a swimmer is unavailable to represent their club, therefore it is important to inform the coach of the reason for your unavailability.



We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.