The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club (BHSC) has produced this Photography Policy as a result of the wide range of devices, including mobile telephones, that have photographic and filming capabilities, and which enable the capture of static and moving images. The majority of images are taken in good faith and are appropriate. However, images can sometimes be misused. Sharing images without consent may betray a confidence or identity of a person which could present a risk of harm to that individual.

The following procedures should be carefully followed:

  • Parents and carers are asked to only take pictures of their own swimmer, as much as is possible, avoiding including other swimmers in their images, especially if those images are to be shared with friends or family on social media. It is acknowledged that parents/carers wish to celebrate the achievements of their own swimmer when taking part in swimming events, but it should be recognised and respected that other parents/carers may not want their swimmer’s image to be taken and shared in this way.
  • At swimming competitions, there will be specific photography guidelines to that particular event. Please ensure you are aware of the requirements of that events photography policy. If you have any child or vulnerable adult safeguarding concerns at the event, please contact the event organiser or an event official.
  • The publishing of a photograph of a swimmer under the age of 18, for example on social Media or the club website, should only be done with parent’s consent and in line with the with Swim England guidelines.
  • Parental consent may be withdrawn at any time. Please contact the Welfare Officer in writing to organise withdrawal of photography consent at

Swim England Guidelines on Photos for Publication

All photographs must observe generally accepted standards of decency, in particular:

  • Action shots should be a celebration of a sporting activity and should not be a sexualised image in a sporting context.
  • Action shots should not be taken or retained where the photograph reveals a torn or displaced swimming costume.
  • Poolside shots of swimmers should normally be above the waist only when wearing a swimming costume, though full length tracksuit shots are approved.
  • Photographs should not be taken from behind the starting blocks and should not include participants climbing out of the pool.
  • The videoing of swimmers during club sessions is not recommended by Swim England,  but any videos that are taken would need to be justified, for example, to assist stroke development.  The video should be deleted once it has served its purpose, unless the need to keep it can be justified.
  • Published photographs may identify the individual by name and organisation but should not state the member’s place of residence or school attended.

Swim England does not wish to stop parents photographing their swimmer but all organisations must ensure they do all they can to safeguard each swimmer’s wellbeing.

You may at some point, come across or be made aware of, inappropriate use of photography. If this is in relation to the swimming club, please inform the Club Welfare Officer at

For further information on all safeguarding issues, please refer to Swim England child safeguarding procedures and policies at

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club  may wish to take photographs (individual and in groups) of swimmers.  This may include your swimmer during their membership of the club.  All photos will be taken and published in accordance with Swim England guidelines.




We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National


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