Monthly Fee: £45.00 paid by DD
Stroke Development Squad Criteria
Minimum Attendance: 3 pool sessions a week
Equipment: Kick Board, Pull Buoy and Fins. Swimmers must also bring either 2 x 500ml or 1ltr full water bottle/s to each session.
Stroke Development Squad Aspirations:
Progress towards gaining Middlesex County Qualifying Times (where age applicable).
Develop swimming fitness.
Progress starts & turns (with underwater phase in all strokes) in racing situations.
Continue to develop stroke technique on all 4 competitive strokes.
Competitions (minimum requirement): Swimmers should compete in at least 3 competitions a season, 1 of which must be Borough of Harrow Club Championships.
Stroke Development squad aims:
Develop technique on all 4 competitive stroke
Develop Streamline and underwater phase for all 4 strokes.
Teach Racing Starts & Turns.
Learn correct use of Pace Clock.
Progression: Once achieving the desired skill level swimmers will progress to County Development Squad.